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Inverse/flexural psoriasis

Does anyone else here deal with inverse psoriasis? If so, what do you find helpful?

For me, diaper cream seems to really help, particularly with preventing the skin from rubbing on itself and getting irritated any further. I also try to keep the area as dry/not sweaty as possible. Sometimes I use a medicated talc in the summer. In the past I was prescribed a steroid cream which didn't seem to help much, but phototherapy (originally prescribed for a guttate flare) really did help a lot. I would love to hear if anyone has any tips or tricks for dealing with this!

  1. I have used Desitin cream on the inverse psoriasis between my butt cheeks which does seem to help when it is especially irritated. If there is bleeding, I also use antibiotic ointment to avoid infection. Cornstarch powder helps under the breast area and other creases.

    1. I hate it all. I am in my first flare of inverse and plaque psoriasis. I went 40 years without this happening. First time with inverse too. I usually thought it was a yeast infection and treated with the cream for that. This time its huge under my arms under my boobs top of legs between my legs and plaque everywhere else. I am in so much pain even when I am covered in lotion. Plain cornstarch powder does work??? I am afraid of it making a paste!!! I bought MG217 because it has the 3%sal-acid in it. I have to wait till the 30th of Jan. for my dr appointment. I feel like I am in a huge girdle everywhere. Thanks for listening. ❤

    2. Oh bless you, 🙁 I'm so sorry that you're having to cope with all of this. How is the MG217 working so far? I hope that the 30th comes around really soon for you. Please know that we're here and that you're always welcome anytime you need support or a friendly ear. Big hugs!! <3

  2. There is an OTC bed sore cream that is really nice. Calmoseptine.

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, - I'll definitely look out for this!

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