How severe is your psoriasis?Would you consider your psoriasis to be mild, moderate, or severe?...Reactions0reactionsComments91 repliesDiagnosisSymptoms
Which type(s) of psoriasis do you have?While our community is called, we're here for everyone who is impacted by psoriasis - no matter what kind. I thought it might be interesting for us all to...Reactions0reactionsComments50 repliesAwarenessDiagnosisSymptoms
What else, now I know why my hair has been falling out for the last three years. Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Life with PsoriasisHey, firstly I would like to thank you for giving me this platform to express my real situation. I initially noticed some hard scaly bumps on my scalp. Initially, I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments