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Frustration/Rant For Itching

I have been using the same medicated shampoo for months and will occasionally get days where my head itches uncontrollably until it’s raw. I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried multiple shampoos and an ointment, I’m just so frustrated with the whole thing! I feel like even when something does work, it tends to stop working or isn’t consistent and I’ll have times where it’s unbearable and feel sick from how bad I want to keep itching it!

  1. , I hear you and am actually going through a very similar thing with psoriasis on my scalp at the moment. It is so frustrating and when a person scratches it seems to be raw in seconds, doesn't it? I find that a cold shower is usually very helpful in these instances, I will often add a menthol shampoo to help cool things down and calm the itch. Sharing with you a link to a great article about some of the different ways we can treat psoriasis on the scalp. and also this one I am sure that you will find these helpful, we are here for you. - Clair moderator

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