Occasionally I will get a spot or 2 on my arm. They begin like a mosquito bite, get darker pink in color, then begin to itch. After a couple of days, the top of the spot turns silvery.
Itching from guttate psoriasis
The spots don't disappear but fade in color, and the itching persists. I find that a cotton ball saturated with peroxide helps with the itch. At night, an ice pack on the legs and feet "numb" the itch. I have used antihistamines but it doesn't help.
For a moisturizer after a shower, I like to use virgin coconut oil. Since this Guttate thing only started a year ago, I can't seem to get used to the idea that I can't wear shorts. I am planning to see another doctor because I am developing these itchy little lumps on the soles of my feet. I hope to get an accurate diagnosis!