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Do I Have Guttate Psoriasis?

Occasionally I will get a spot or 2 on my arm. They begin like a mosquito bite, get darker pink in color, then begin to itch. After a couple of days, the top of the spot turns silvery.

Itching from guttate psoriasis

The spots don't disappear but fade in color, and the itching persists. I find that a cotton ball saturated with peroxide helps with the itch. At night, an ice pack on the legs and feet "numb" the itch. I have used antihistamines but it doesn't help.

For a moisturizer after a shower, I like to use virgin coconut oil. Since this Guttate thing only started a year ago, I can't seem to get used to the idea that I can't wear shorts. I am planning to see another doctor because I am developing these itchy little lumps on the soles of my feet. I hope to get an accurate diagnosis!

  1. Hey , thank you for sharing with us!

    Sorry to read about what you're dealing with. I've had quite bad guttate a couple of times in the past, and still get the odd spot pop up occasionally now. Mine seems to develop in the same way that you describe, minus the itching - I'm quite fortunate that my psoriasis only itches when the seasons change or when I'm very stressed.

    Am I right in understanding that the spots on your body have been diagnosed as guttate, but you're wondering about the itchy lumps on your feet? We have a couple of articles on how psoriasis can affect the feet (and hands), which I hope will be helpful:

    I think seeing another doctor about these lumps on your feet is a good idea! Please keep us updated on how you're doing, and do let us know if you have further questions or we can find any information for you. Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Hi , thank you so much for sharing with us and asking this question. The symptoms of guttate psoriasis are small plaques that are shaped like little teardrops or raindrops and are often pink in color. I am so glad to hear you are planning to see another doctor to find out for sure. In the meantime, I wanted to send you this article, I hope that it helps. Jill, Team Member

      1. Can we post pictures? I think seeing pictures would be so helpful. I know that you can get fatty bumps in your feet on heels. But without seeing its hard to say

        1. I just want to thank everyone here. It seems like you all are very serious about this group. I do believe this is a horrible horrible thing to have. I have gotten so stressed out that i feel i am now suffering from agoraphobia like no other. Does anyone else get almost sick when thinking about going out or God forbid to run into anyone who knew you before psoriasis took its toll. Does anyone else feel like i do

          1. Thank you for being here, ! I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling at the moment. I am certain that you're not alone in feeling this way. Psoriasis and everything that comes with it can be very difficult cope with. Have you been able to chat with your doctor about how much this is affecting you?

            I can relate to your feelings about running into anyone who knew you before. Whilst people who knew me before I had psoriasis don't really exist (I've had it since I was very young), I do feel similarly about my psoriatic arthritis. I am okay with going out but I will actively avoid anyone that I haven't seen in a while, or who knew me before. I find these interactions quite difficult and upsetting.

            Please know that this community is here anytime you need support or someone to talk to. You're not alone in this. Sending big hugs!! -Catherine, Community Moderator

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