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Have you found a prescription med that works for you?

Greetings friends : )

I'm wondering if any one has found satisfactory relief from any prescription meds.

My story:

I'm kinda new to this. I first noticed a weird rash on my right temple. I was thinking "Is that cancer?" and I made an appointment -- eventually -- with a dermatologist. I then noticed a strange rash on my lower left leg about the size and shape of a largish dried apricot. Not much color though.

My mom and my sister had had malignant melanomas removed many years ago and my first thought was, of course, the worst case scenario.

I saw the dermatologist who said "I don't think it's cancer" or something like that and took a bit for testing. By then I had forgotten about that apricot-looking area on my leg. I did remember when I got back in the car. Oh well. It wasn't itching me back then. That was about two years ago? The biopsy was negative.

Since then it has advanced and occupied more territory, even starting a new encampment on my right leg in pretty much the same spot as the original left leg site. Luckily it has not had the easy advances that the left leg army has enjoyed.

Pso, that's my backstory. Currently I'm applying Argan oil -- recommended by my friend Nick, the guru of all things good for you -- at least twice a day, morning and evening. If my skin gets dry or itchy earlier, I apply another coating.

I'm curious as to how effective (or not) you have found any prescription medications to be.

PS: I still haven't made an appointment with a dermatologist who specializes in psoriasis, but I have a number in my phone. Progress.

  1. Hey ! So glad you posted this thread. Thank you for sharing a bit more about your journey here. I'm glad that skin cancer was ruled out by the biopsy. That must have been such a worry, especially with what your mom and sister have been through.

    We have lots of people here who have a wealth of experiences with prescription medications, so I hope they'll stop by to share with you.

    I've tried quite a few different treatments (mainly topicals) over my almost 35 years with psoriasis. The only thing that was mildly effective when I was a child was a coal tar preparation made up by the pharmacy.

    As an adult, steroid ointments and creams (betamethasone & Dovobet) were helpful, but I found that I had to use them continuously to get relief and avoid a "rebound flare" during my break from using them, which is not advisable with steroidal topicals. I was eventually able to completely clear some very stubborn knee psoriasis with Dovobet though. After that, I asked to try Dovonex ointment (this is like Dovobet but without the steroid). This was really good for keeping my psoriasis at bay, but it never cleared it fully. Still, I was happy with that. I also tried Dovonex scalp solution (calcipotriol) which was AMAZING for my scalp psoriasis. It made such a huge difference, and my scalp has never returned to its pre-Dovonex severity, despite me no longer using it.

    In 2018 I started on methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis. I've found the combination of Dovonex ointment and methotrexate very helpful, much more effective than using either by themselves.

    I also had UVB phototherapy (not sure if that qualifies as a prescription or not - I was referred for it by my doctor anyway). This was very effective for my guttate and inverse psoriasis. It also helped the plaque psoriasis but only really during and shortly after my three month course of phototherapy.

    I *think* that's everything I've tried. As you can see, I have not tried any biologics or many systemic treatments at all, but we do have community members and moderators who have, so I hope they'll chime in here. It's worth bearing in mind that we all respond differently to these things. Hoping you can find some relief one way or another, whether it's with the Argan oil or with a prescription treatment. Keep us posted! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Hello , So sorry you are going through this. My journey mirrors in so many ways. I was on every medication that she was on growing up. I have tried every pill, including light, oils, creams, etc.

      The only difference is that I have had PsO for 60 years. I have had 6 biopsies because mine looked so different than other people's. I am a black woman. I bring this up for a reason. You said you hadn't been to a dermatologist yet. I have 3 grandkids in the same family that came down with a rash. I would have bet a million dollars it was psoriasis. They all have excema.

      So make sure you are being treated for the right illness. I hope you get some relief soon. We understand. I have been on biologics for over 20 years and this has been my saving grace. I was 80% covered most of my life, so to just getting a little bit of relief helps.

      Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing. Diane (Team Member)

      1. Hi . It's a small world. My psoriasis also started on my left leg. I thought it was poison ivy. Doctor said psoriasis and sent me to a dermatologist who confirmed it. That was 20 years ago. As you can imagine I have tried many things. Topicals have never done much for me. I have been on biologics. One in particular took me from 80% covered to 20% covered. Unfortunately, after a year and a half, it stopped working. It is a journey. The biggest thing you got to remember is that what works for one person might not work for another. Have you looked on the National Psoriasis Foundation website for a dermatologist in your area that knows about psoriasis? You might want to make that appointment. Psoriasis can lead to Psoriatic Arthritis because it causes inflammation on your joints. Any questions please ask because we are here for you. Vickie W., Team Member

        1. Thanks Vicky, Diane and Cathy.

          Ok, I'll try making a telehealth appointment with the one dermatologist that does online visits. Also recommended by the national psoriasis foundation.

          I had a new pain in my right knee yesterday for, thankfully, a short period of time, but I did think "uh oh, psoriatic arthritis"?

          So far the argan oil is keeping me stable. My skin anyway.

          Ahhhhh, nothing like new challenges to keep me on my toes (8^O)

          1. your welcome. When you do have the appointment please come back and share with us if you want to. If you have read any of my articles then you know about my knee situation. If it gets to a point of really bothering you please see a doctor. Vickie W., Team Member

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