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Light therapy questions?

Do many of you use light therapy and do you had good results?

  1. I have used it before and it was very helpful. Is this something you are considering doing? - Clair ( Team Member)

    1. I have wanted to do light therapy but unfortunately it is not offered where I live. Are you considering trying it at home or using it in a doctor's office? I have heard good reports from others that have used it. Vickie W., Team Member

      1. Hi , thank you for reaching out to the community here. I'm glad you've had a couple of replies already! I have had one type of light therapy - UVB phototherapy - in the past. It completely cleared up my guttate psoriasis, made a huge difference to my inverse psoriasis, and temporarily cleared up my plaque psoriasis (this returned quite soon after I stopped my course of treatment). Are you interested in a particular type of light therapy? Here's an article which looks at the different therapies: There's also a great discussion where quite a few of us have shared our experiences with light therapy: I hope this is helpful! Please feel welcome to reach out with any further questions, and keep us updated on how you're doing if you can! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

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