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Methotrexate And Scalp Psoriasis

My doctor prescribe methotrexate for my scalp psoriasis. Has anyone had good results from taking this for severe scalp psoriasis?

I would like to hear from you and your results.

  1. I hope someone chimes in soon to give you some insight on their experience with Methotrexate. Until then, I hope this article can give you some insight - Catherine speaks about her experience using Methotrexate and their are 2 other members who speak about their experiences as well. I hope this helps! Keep us update on how Methotrexate is working for you. We certainly can use more input on this treatment option. Best wishes, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for the information.

      1. , scalp psoriasis is the worst! As mentioned, I do take methotrexate. I think by the time I started it, my scalp psoriasis wasn't too bad and I was more focused on how it was impacting my psoriatic arthritis, so unfortunately I can't recall whether it made much difference to my scalp. I still have scalp psoriasis but it's very manageable (knock on wood!). Have you been on the methotrexate for long? I know it can take a while to kick in. I hope others will chime in here. I'm curious to hear more experiences with methotrexate. Hoping you can find some relief, Diane 💖 -Catherine, Community Moderator

        1. I took Methotrexate years ago as a shot. It didn't help at all. Was on it for about 2 years. I've only been back on it for a few months. I've had 2 infections, so my healthcare team decided to take me off of it. My scalp didn't clear up at all. They will let me know what the next step is. Never a dull moment. I'm on a new biologic, so we will see about the results. Thanks for chiming in.

        2. Gosh, , it never ends, does it?! I really hope that the new biologic helps. If anyone deserves relief, it's you! Hang in there and keep us posted 💖 -Catherine, Community Moderator

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