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What do you suggest for the holiday meals?

If you have found that your psoriasis is better because you eliminated certain foods from your diet, what do you do when you go to eat at other places during the holidays? Do you skip certain foods? Do you ask the person preparing the meal to substitute ingredients?

  1. Hello , this is a great question. Red meat and tomatoes are not my friends anymore. I will skip certain foods if it is going to harm me. I don't want to take that chance on itching like crazy for the next 3 days. My go-to is to bring a very nice and big veggie tray. It's always empty when I leave, so I'm not the only one who likes them. I don't know if I could ask someone to leave out an ingredient; that probably would make them mad.

    What types of foods do you skip to "save" your skin?

    1. Red meats get me every time! As much as I know to stay away, I have had my moments of testing the waters and have regretted it every single time. I'm now thinking about cutting back on dairy products too. -Latoya (Team Member)

      1. don't we always want those things we know is better if we just stay away lol. I know I do. I have diverticulitis but I love peanuts. I know it's going to mess with me but in my mind I'm thinking a few will not hurt but it always does. Vickie W., Team Member

      2. Exactly! My grandmother would always say, "When you know better, do better. But I'm hard headed sometimes (haha)

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