a person with plaques on their arm and neck sitting in a directors chair

Directing A Psoriasis Commercial: Beyond the Skin

Psoriasis commercials. We've all seen them. In addition to their standard language and repetitive phrases, they just can't seem to depict psoriasis for what it truly is. A condition that cracks and bleeds into all areas of our life - more than just visible plaques on the skin.

The bouncy music and beautiful actors also seem to promote the stigma that this condition simply impacts the skin and nothing else. No wonder our friends and loved ones have difficulty understanding the impact of this chronic condition. They believe we match the energy of those riding in convertibles and jumping into pools.

Ready? Set? Action!

We asked our psoriasis community what they thought of these commercials by asking "If you could direct a psoriasis commercial, what would you make sure was included?" and boy, did they share some accurate responses. So much, in fact, we've created a few articles focused on just this topic.

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Today, we'll be sharing some insight on managing symptoms beyond the skin. Feel free to check our other articles focused on treatment accuracy and painful symptoms within media and commercials. That's right, we went there.

Show me psoriasis

"Making sure people know it's so much more than a "skin thing"."

Appearance and stigma, relationships, and intimacy. Not to mention the ongoing skincare routine that can take up so much time and will it even work? Is there something better out there? People with psoriasis also have a higher risk of depression and anxiety. Representing that psoriasis is so much more than itchy skin - well, that would validate a lot of people who actually live with it.

It's an autoimmune condition.

"It is an autoimmune disease and affects every part of the body."

With psoriasis, the body's immune system goes haywire, sending out faulty signals that speed up the growth of skin. Autoimmune diseases are where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Living with an autoimmune condition can have a significant impact on one's lifestyle - including diet and risks of significant illnesses. It can be a difficult thing to manage in addition to additional psoriasis symptoms.

The diet connection

"Foods to eat."

Gluten-free? Dairy-free? Sugar-free? Avoiding nightshades? What even is nightshade? Many people experience psoriasis flares after ingesting certain food - this is called a food trigger. Avoiding triggers is a significant part of life with psoriasis - and finding food you actually can eat and enjoy? That certainly adds to the difficulty of it all.

The global impact

"You are not alone. We are 125 million strong."

Though isolation and misunderstanding are common feelings among those with psoriasis. 125 million people worldwide, 2 to 3 percent of the total population—have psoriasis. Representing that it impacts more people that we know and communicating these impactful data points - have the power to make those suffering feel less alone.

You're in the director's seat!

Now we want to hear from you. We specifically created a forum to give you the opportunity to answer the big question.
"If you could direct a psoriasis commercial, what would you make sure was included?" Go ahead and answer by clicking the blue button below.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The PlaquePsoriasis.com team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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