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Psoriasis Lessons Learned Along the Way

Everything happens for a reason and at exactly the right time, I believe this with all of my heart. Even when it’s not easy. I am not someone who learns a lesson easily.

Important psoriasis lessons

It takes me a try or two, okay sometimes more, before I get the point of what life it’s trying to teach me. Call it what you may, but let me tell you psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are pretty persistent teachers.

Here are the lessons I have learned along the way, the ones that have shaped the person I am today.

Be kind to everyone you meet

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Another cliché? Rather another truth, we all know what it feels like, we look okay on the outside, inside we are hurting, physical agony and emotional turmoil.

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There is rent to pay and children to provide for so we get up, we show up. I do this with a smile most days and some medication despite how I am feeling. I smile and talk to people and I know, they have no idea of what’s going on, on the inside. Same as I have no idea what going on, within them.

Maybe today is the day they also decided to dress up and show up. I work very hard on showing people the kindness I would love to be shown.

Beauty comes from within

It truly does. I got plaque psoriasis in the one place I could not hide it, all over my face. Let me tell you I was very quickly brought down to earth, off any high horse, I may or may not have been on.  

I learned to let beauty radiate from the inside out and the people that stuck around; those were my kind of people. Have I mentioned what a fabulous people filter psoriasis is? It speaks to the authenticity of people.

Do not give up

To be honest, I am still learning this one. Keep trying. When you try something new and it does not work. Breathe and try again. You will go through slumps when you do not want to try anything for a while and that is okay.

Take that time out and when you are ready. Try again and again, you will eventually find something that offers you some kind of relief, even if it is only temporary. (If I had a dollar for every new thing I tried for my skin, I would be a rich woman)

Be kind to yourself

Love yourself and take time for yourself. This was the hardest lesson to learn, and the importance of it was lost on me, you see I am what some people will call a giver. 

I want to give, help, sort out and heal. I was terrible at doing this for myself. I had to learn, and learn I did. Take time to have a slow bath and read a book, listen to some music and have your feet done.

Celebrate the small lessons in life

After all, the big things are merely a collage of the small ones. On the days you can get out of bed with less pain than yesterday, smile about it.

Get up and use it. Allow it to make you happy at that moment.

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