A bunch of bright colorful conversation hearts strewn about.

Psoriasis Gifts of Love

With the day of love around the corner, whether you buy into the concept or not, it can really be a fun way to celebrate the one you love.  I enjoy making the day special for the ones I love and this year, exquisite cupcakes are my choice of spoil.

Making the day special can be tricky if your significant other has psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. For some of you, there may be no problem making these choices, but for others, it can prove a challenge.

Practical valentine's day gifts for those with psoriasis

Sometimes we are so keen on helping the ones we love, we tend to get a bit carried away with practical gifts. It's important to remember that the people we are gathering gift ideas for, also like normal spoils and not only practical presents.

Please do not misunderstand me, I am not ungrateful by any means and single-handedly the easiest person in the universe to gift for. These are just my tips. If there is a new cream on the market and you want to give it to them, do it!

I do believe the thought in this is worth more than any gift. It would just add an extra pleasantry if you attached their favorite chocolate or flowers.

Thoughtful valentine's day gifts for those with psoriasis

It could be more about what you need to not get sometimes rather than what you should get. This might take some research and some sly detecting skills. Anything for the one we love right?

Find out what they cannot use, eat or wear before you go shopping. You would not want to get something that they cannot eat, or that aggravates their skin. Depending on what your thoughts are for gifts, I would check something you know they often wear and check the label for what fabric it is.

Be careful of bath products that may annoy the skin or cause a flare, you could always make your own to be sure about what is going into the product. Alternatively, check what product you’re loved one uses and get something in the same range. Also, chocolates can sometimes contain aggravating ingredients, but there are so many that do not have those naughty ingredients in.

Valentine's day gift ideas that take time and effort

Give your loved one the day off from tasks that you know are hard on their bodies. Bring them something warm to drink in bed with a note that states they are required to take the day off and you'll be taking over what needs doing. Allow then extra guilt-free rest, keep them warm and relaxed.

Never underestimate the power of a love note, highlighting your favorite traits or moments of the one you love. Leave cute hand-cut hearts in their lunch boxes and on their pillows.

This year I am making time and effort to remind all the people who I love, that I do.

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