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What Is Something You Done Years Ago To Treat Psoriasis That You Can Laugh At Now?

I can't remember my exact age, but I'm guessing around 17 or 18. I always had very severe psoriasis, between 70 to 80% covered.

I have very dark skin, but I guess I didn't know that. I would go to a tanning salon to treat my psoriasis. I'm sure I was desperate and wanted to try anything. I remember going a few times, no one ever questioned me or asked questions. I am 65 now and can't stop picturing this in my mind.

Is there something you have done in the past that got you thinking? What the heck?? We would love to hear from you.

  1. It wasn't funny at the time but I can look back on it and laugh. I once put alcohol on my psoriasis patch. Boy talk about me dancing around my bathroom with the patch on fire. I was definitely not very lady like as I said all kind of words until it stopped burning. I am glad now that I was the only one at home at the time. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. Haha, I can only imagine you doing this! If it makes you feel any better I've done the same thing when using alcohol on something that I probably shouldn't have and had more naughty words than a sailor! Lesson learned for sure! -Latoya (Team Member)

    2. Hello and , Well I am going to join the alcohol club. I also did this once and once only. I said words I had never used before.

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