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Ear Psoriasis Is Driving Me Crazy

I can only remember one other time having ear PsO so bad that I felt like jumping off a roof. I had to go to an ear doctor because the flakes from my psoriasis had built up and were attaching themselves to the flakes. Not a pretty site.

It was very disgusting and a time-consuming treatment. This time around it's a little different. The itch is driving me crazy and the flakes looked horrible. My doctor prescribed me some drops that don't help.

I just noticed the other day that some liquid was seeking out. Has anyone experienced PsO in the ear? What things have you done to calm it down?

We would love to hear from you.

  1. Try Fluocinolone Acetonide Oil (0.01%) drops. They are working really well for me. My dermatologist prescribed them for me 4 months ago.

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