Living Loud - Psoriasis on DisplayPsoriasis, for the last 15 years has played such a big role in my life. So much so that it is a part of who I am. I know people...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Where Do I Go From Here?I have been living a nightmare when it comes to getting proper treatment for my psoriatic conditions. When the Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, signed the Medicaid expansion in...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I Am _____ !!!A few weeks ago, I had the chance to be a part of the National Psoriasis Foundation Volunteer Summit. The NPF brought volunteers from around the country together to network...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How I Deal With Triggers and Flare Ups From PsoriasisI have been dealing with psoriasis for 60 years and I've been on medication for my entire life. This year, I am having the worst psoriasis flare in over 20...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
My Psoriasis Spelling GameLet's play a psoriasis spelling game about what I know about the disease! You might know about using a mnemonic device to try to remember the spelling of a word...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Growing Up With Plaque PsoriasisMy own personal journey with severe scalp and plaque psoriasis began at age 12. I was quite excited to be sent off to the mountains for the authentic sleep away...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Learning To Be Kinder To Yourself When You Have PsoriasisPsoriasis and blame go hand-in-hand, particularly in the early stages when you’re just diagnosed. You may blame yourself or feel frustrated with yourself that you have this condition, it’s going...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
New Insurance, New Hurdles to Access TreatmentPsoriasis and psoriatic arthritis run in our family. My son and I were diagnosed with both just a few years apart. Psoriatic disease has consumed our lives for more than...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Describing the Indescribable Feeling of PsoriasisOne of the most common questions I get about living with psoriasis is “what does it feel like?” It’s itchy, dry, flaky, and uncomfortable. But those individual words don’t accurately...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Your Self-Esteem As A Teen and Being Diagnosis With PsoriasisI have had severe psoriatic disease for 60 years, so I believe I have a lot of knowledge to share. The first thing I want to share is for you...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Pso, You Are Cleaning and Sanitizing?Let's discuss how chemicals can stress our skin into a flare. I have had psoriasis for 27 years and have experienced triggered flares from cleaning supplies, especially on my hands...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Psoriasis On The NoseI am currently quite lucky with my psoriasis. As patches break down, other ones go and leave me alone. I currently have lesions in my scalp and other parts of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Elevating In AdvocacyIf you would have asked me just a few years ago if I could see myself where I am today, I probably would have said no. For so long, I was...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
A Trip To A New ClimatePsoriasis is my forever companion, on the long road and the short. Recently, I took a long road trip, clocking in at 16 hours of driving. We moved through a...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Home Remedies For PsoriasisI’m over the moon right now. My uncle who left us over 40 years ago, told my mom that she should give me walnuts to help my psoriasis. He also suggested...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Clothes Shopping When You Have PsoriasisPsoriasis can be a very visible condition. If you have it on your face, for example, you may want to find something to hide it or if you have it...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Finding Your TribeWe often hear the phrase, we're better together. Honestly, although it can feel overused at times, it's one of the truest statements. When living with a chronic condition, often times you can...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Molting Like A Spider: Finding A Good Skincare RoutineSometimes, I truly find psoriasis so fascinating, and I am almost sure that mine adapts and evolves. Recently, I was watching a tarantula molt. It is the most fascinating process and...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
DIY Simple Oat SoapIf you walk into any well-stocked supermarket, you could count just about as many types of soaps as there are flowers in the fields outside. There are so many brands...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Psoriasis and a TattooI am a professional chef living with psoriasis and want a tattoo. An avocado wearing a chef's hat is the design I am choosing for my tattoo. He represents the...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments