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a mixed race adult non binary person with psoriasis in a sweat shirt and sweat pants sitting in their home on a chair as they work on a laptop

Pso, You Want to Wear Comfy Clothes?

Living with psoriasis can be challenging because it brings new hurdles to our everyday life. Things like getting dressed for the day can become so much more complicated when trying to navigate your clothes around your psoriasis flares.

Over the next few months, we will put out clothing hacks shared by those in the community to help make life navigating psoriasis a little more comfortable.

To start, we’ll be focusing on comfy clothes hacks.

Pso, you want to be comfy at home?

We all want to be comfy, but living with psoriasis can make wearing comfy clothes extra challenging. When you want to be in comfortable clothing at home, the last thing you want is a scratchy fabric or something touching your plaques that might further irritate your skin.

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a persons torso with psoriasis wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants

Here's what our community says:

  • Tikeyah recommends finding a fabric that won't irritate your skin: "I've found that cotton is the best fabric for my psoriasis because it doesn't scratch my skin."
  • Clair takes the color of a piece of clothing in mind: "Lighter colors and even shirts with patterns of various colors are certainly easier to hide flaking skin. I find that when I wear dark tops, I will often pair them with a light scarf to help with this very thing."
  • Diane recommends clothes that are not too tight, to prevent rubbing: "Learn how to find the right fit so that you can move around without worrying too much about chafing. Pieces that are slightly loose will always be better than tight ones."
  • Alisha recommends a good pair of undergarments: "Undergarments will be your best friend. Undergarments such as undershirts will help soak up any topical ointments you apply to your skin as opposed to them staining your clothes."

Finding clothes that work with your psoriasis can be challenging. Sometimes you can buy all of the "right" fabrics, fits, etc. and your clothes STILL feel uncomfortable.

Vickie has said, "The severity of psoriasis doesn't matter when it comes to clothing. All of it feels uncomfortable when it touches or irritates your skin. At my most severe, everything I wore felt like I fell on a cactus."

This or That

When I get home, I usually:

We want to hear from you! Jump into the conversation and share your favorite comfy clothes tips!

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