FeaturedHas T/Gel been discontinued?I keep hearing rumblings among the online psoriasis community about T/Gel shampoo having been discontinued. I know it's a very popular shampoo among our members, and I wondered if anyone...Reactions0reactionsComments18 replies
FeaturedDoes psoriasis affect your social life? Psoriasis can often be a very visible condition, usually leading to stigma and discomfort among patients in social settings. This is a space to talk about how psoriasis affects our...Reactions0reactionsComments21 repliesAwarenessIntimacy & RelationshipsFriends & Family
Active todayWhat else, now I know why my hair has been falling out for the last three years. Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Cryotherapy or Infrared Sauna??Hi All, I've heard that sauna & cryotherapy (hot to cold) treatments can benefit autoimmune conditions as well as some skin conditions (psoriasis / eczema). Wondering if anyone has tried...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Cold weather remediesAs the weather gets cooler and the colder seasons are upon us, dry skin can get more difficult to avoid. What’s your best DIY recipe for dry, cracked skin?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Is There Such Thing As Remission?I'm sure there is, but after having PsO for 60 years, I have never been in remission. NEVER!!! I have been 80% clear, but never 100%. So, we would like...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesCopingAwareness
How severe is your psoriasis?Would you consider your psoriasis to be mild, moderate, or severe?...Reactions0reactionsComments83 repliesDiagnosisSymptoms
Is This Plaque Psoriasis? Hi everyone, so about 4-5 months ago I got a rough patch of skin on my foot right under my big toe. Then the next month I started getting it...Reactions0reactionsComments46 repliesSymptoms
How is your Psoriasis?First let me say how grateful I am that each of you in the community are here. As we are only 3 days away from 2025, I want to know...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesCopingFlare-upMental Health
Are you worthy?I got this disease at the age of 5. (1963) I had severe psoriasis my whole life. Can you imagine the emotional trauma I had to endure over the years?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAwarenessCoping